What is Smoked Out of a Glass Pipe?

What is Smoked Out of a Glass Pipe?

People have been smoking out of pipes for many years, however, throughout the years pipes have changed into other materials like glass. Furthermore, what is being smoked in pipes has also evolved.

Pipe smoking goes back to at least the 16th century and was used in many different cultures. Many native cultures would smoke pipes during rituals or in tribal gatherings. After the discovery of tobacco, smoking out of pipes became even more popular. In fact, tobacco became the most popular substance to smoke out of pipes.

In the 19th century, other substances like opium, became prevalent to smoke. Following that, psychoactive drugs began to be consumed as well, via pipe. Since then other drugs have become popular to smoke through a pipe. Drugs like crack cocaine, methamphetamines, DBT, PCP and cannabis are often times smoked in a glass pipes.

Smoking out of a glass pipe is often times the preferred way to consume illegal drugs since it is more intense and more comfortable than snorting a substance through nasal passage ways.  

Glass pipes can vary in design, however here are the most typical ones used for various substances.

Marijuana pipe:

smoked glass pipe

Crack-cocaine pipe:

crack cocaine pipe

Methamphetamine pipe:

meth pipe

PCP pipe:

glass pipe

If you have seen a loved one with one of these pipes please ask a professional for support. Glass Pipes like the ones listed above can be an indication of a serious drug problem and substance abuse.

Spirituality in Addiction and Substance Abuse Recovery

Spirituality in Addiction and Substance Abuse Recovery

Spirituality in Addiction


We often hear that connecting to some form of spirituality is imperative in addiction and substance abuse recovery.

But what does that even mean and why is it so important?


People often mix up spirituality and religion, however, both of these terms differ in meaning. Spirituality is not the same thing as religion. Religion is a belief in a super controlling power like God and is derived from a specific system of faith and worship. Spirituality is different and is instead described as the quality of being connected to  something intangible like the human spirit or soul.


When someone is addicted to drugs and alcohol, that individual loses real connection and instead their drug or substance of choice becomes their only form of connection. Regaining or developing a sense of spirituality during recovery can help someone feel connected again to themselves and life. Feeling connected to something beyond oneself can provide a sense of purpose and self worth while providing support. But what does this even mean and how do you find spirituality?


Spirituality is not a one size fits all concept and can mean various things to different people. Some people find spirituality through other spiritual leaders and ideas like Buddhism. Others practice mindfulness to stay present and connected to the moment or work the steps in the 12 step program.


The concept of spirituality is often times a source of frustration, especially for those in addiction recovery. Often times, individuals in recovery expect a spiritual awakening when in reality it is a more gradual process.


Addiction leads to disconnection which is the sheer opposite of spirituality. In essence, spirituality is connection. This means serving others, developing and fostering deep relationships with others and healing the mind, body and soul. Spirituality means that individuals let love guide them, not their addiction.


So what does spirituality in addiction look like for you?  


It is important that individuals in recovery figure out what spirituality looks like for themselves. This could mean that you spend lots of time reading and learning about various religions and spiritual figures for guidance. Perhaps you already have a connection to a religion in which it was impaired during your addiction. Whether it is reconnecting or discovering spirituality for the first time, it is important that individuals take the time and effort to define their own spiritual connection.  At The Last House we have a program that encourages a spiritual solution to addiction.


Self Harm and Addiction

self harm and addiction

Self Harm and Addiction


Self harm and addiction have a cyclical relationship. Often times those who struggle with self harm can become solely addicted to the release that hurting oneself provides. Other times those struggling with self harm can also become addicted to drugs and alcohol. A study discovered that close to 10% of individuals struggling with self harm also abuse drugs and substances.


What is self harm?


Self harm is when someone purposely inflicts self injury or harm to their bodies through mutilation without the intent to kill oneself. Someone who inflicts self injury is usually secretive about this and will hide their injuries underneath clothing. Individuals that harm themselves usually do this with sharp objects like knives and razors. Other ways that self harm is inflicted is through burning oneself, ripping hair out, piercing the skin, picking at wounds to avoid healing, scratching, poisoning, punching, slapping or even breaking bones.

Why would someone hurt themselves intentionally?


You might be thinking, why would someone do that to themselves?! Typically, hurting oneself sounds like the last thing someone would want to do. However, someone who is in severe emotional distress and with limited coping skills may turn to self harm as a release from the emotional pain. Often times, self harm is associated with other mental illness or disorders such as depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and borderline personality disorder. Self harm can lead to the body’s release of pain killing hormones and endorphins which can feel like a form of release to the individual inflicting self injury. Sometimes the physical pain caused by self harm acts as a distraction from the emotional pain. Furthermore, self harm can feel like a form a self control when other things in life are out of control, or a form of punishment for perceived faults, and a way to express internal pain.


Who struggles with self harm?


Teenagers and young adults are usually the individuals that struggle with self harm. Both of these developmental periods are tough with a lot of peer and societal pressure. If these individuals never learned healthy coping skills, self harm may feel like the only relief. Furthermore, females are also more at risk for self harm however it is not entirely clear as to why.


What causes self harm?


Just like most maladaptive behaviors or mental disorders, there is not simple cause that leads someone to inflict self injury. However, a combination of unstable and abusive environments, genetics and biological dispositions to certain mental illness/disorders can explain how self harm develops as a coping skill. It is important to note that self harm is not itself a mental illness and instead an indicator of very poor coping skills. There are various risk factors that leave someone vulnerable to self harm. Someone who has experienced sexual abuse, childhood abuse, abandonment, neglect, dissociation, psychiatric disorders, and substance abuse/addiction. Strong emotions such as worthlessness, guilt, shame, loneliness, panic, anger, self hatred of confusion can also put someone at risk for self harm. Furthermore, someone who is struggling with addiction or substance abuse, are a lot more likely to hurt themselves since they have less control over themselves when under the influence.




  • Noticeable wounds that cannot be explained
  • Clothing that is very covering
  • Isolation
  • Depression
  • Locking oneself in a bathroom or bedroom
  • Scars or fresh cuts, bruises and marks
  • Excessive rubbing of an area
  • Hiding objects such as razor blades
  • Impulsivity and instability
  • Identity issues




Because self harm is usually hidden, it can be difficult to diagnose and identify. Once self harm has been identified there are numerous treatment options that can give someone a sense of control over and relieve some of their intense emotions. If you suspect a loved one is hurting themselves it is important to seek professional attention immediately. Often times, those struggling with self harm will go to rehabilitation centers or hospitals to ensure that the individual doesn’t severely injure themselves.  Medication can minimize intense emotions and provide more emotional balance. Psychotherapies like psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and dialectical behavioral therapy are the most common modalities used to treat someone that self harms.


Recovering from self harm and addiction:  


Individuals struggling with self harm and addiction can complicate treatment. It is imperative that both of these co-occurring issues are simultaneously treated and are given proper attention. It is also important to differentiate between the addiction hurting oneself and addiction to actual substances and drugs. At the end of the day, self harm and substance abuse need to be replaced with healthier coping skills which can be achieved in therapy and at treatment centers.

self harm self love

Vyvanse Addiction

vyvanse addiction

Vyvanse Addiction

Vyvanse (Lisdexamfetamine) is a pharmaceutical drug that is prescribed to older children and adults with ADD, ADHD or binge eating disorder. It is a fairly recent drug and was only approved by the FDA in 2008. Vyvanse, Adderall and Ritalin are all central nervous system stimulants and treat both ADD and ADHD. However, Vyvanse differs from Adderall and Ritalin in some ways. Vyvanse contains lisdexamfetamine, which means that side effects are not as pronounced and one dosage lasts the whole day. Ritalin and Adderall contain amphetamine salts, which can strengthen side effects and increase spikes and drops. This means that those taking Ritalin or Adderall have to take it multiple times a day to keep the effects going. The spikes and drops that come with these medications can interfere with life and leave consumers feeling uncomfortable with such sensations. Additionally, individuals can be prone to addiction from the “rush” that these stimulants provide. Vyvanse has a time-lapse formulation and is released sparingly throughout the day and thus “rushes” are less extreme but are none the less still addictive.

What are the side effects?

Vyvanse, Adderall and Ritalin all have similar side effects such as:

Weight loss or change in appetite
Stomach and digestive discomfort such as pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
Change in vision
Mood changes such as irritability, anxiety and hyperactivity
Feeling jittery
Excessive sweating

Vyvanse addiction can have serious side effects too that should be addressed immediately by a medical professional. These include:

Rapid heart rate
High blood pressure
Stunted growth in children
Tourette’s Syndrome
Poor circulation
Worsened pre-existing mental health conditions such as Bipolar

Furthermore, Vyvanse can have interactions with other medications or vitamins that could be detrimental.

Why is it addictive?

Although Vyvanse is not considered a narcotic, it is considered to be a Schedule II controlled substance by the Drug Enforcement Administration. Substances in this category are taken very seriously because they have a high potential for abuse which can lead to severe dependence and addiction. Vyvanse abuse or addiction occurs when individuals take this substance beyond its intended use. This can occur in a number of ways. Individuals can abuse Vyvanse by taking it without a prescription, taking it with other drugs to enhance or change the effects, taking more than prescribed, taking it longer than prescribed, and ingesting the drug inappropriately like snorting or injecting it. Although this drug is fairly new still, many people have become addicted or abuse Vyvanse for a number of reasons. Students and professionals take Vyvanse because they believe it will improve their performance. Some people take it for the weight loss side effects. Some accidently become addicted or dependent because they build a tolerance over time. And others take it to experience a high because Vyvanse provides a rush when taken. Additionally, those abusing or addicted to Vyvanse become hooked because of the increased energy and euphoria that come with the rush.

Effects of Vyvanse abuse/addiction:

Vyvanse addiction or abuse will most often have to negative consequences. These negative effects include lethargy, depression, hopelessness, rapid heart rate, sleep disturbance, gastrointestinal distress, malnutrition, psychosis, hostility and paranoia.

Signs of abuse/addiction of Vyvanse:

Lying to medical professionals to get a prescription
Using someone else’s prescription
Stealing Vyvanse
Shopping around to different doctors to get multiple prescriptions
Buying Vyvanse illegally
Feeling withdrawal symptoms such as depression, agitation, and psychological distress.
Lack of sleep
Suicidal thoughts


Vyvanse recovery is similar to other substance abuse recovery. Some treatment centers specialize in Vyvanse detox and recovery. Vyvanse withdrawal can cause severe psychological and mental effects. Thus, those detoxing from Vyvanse need to be monitored and slowly weaned off. With the support of loved ones, a 12-step program and a treatment center, individuals can recover from Vyvanse addiction and abuse.

Substance Abuse vs Substance Dependence vs Substance Addiction

substance abuse substance dependence substance addiction
The debate between substance abuse, substance dependence and addiction is on-going. Many addiction specialists and professionals use these terms interchangeably and see no difference. Where as others view each term is a separate experience with it’s own qualities. Some find it easier to just focus on substance abuse disorder, which is an actual mental disorder in the DSM. Whether someone is dependent on, addicted to or simply abuses drugs and alcohol, all three present an abundance of issues and consequences.


So what is the difference between these terms?

Substance Abuse:

When an individual abuses drugs and alcohol it doesn’t interrupt their entire life. Substance abuse can appear more casual and recreational. Drugs and alcohol used recreationally alter the brain temporarily rather than permanently. To put it simply, substance abuse is more likely to be a choice whereas addiction is something that is difficult or impossible to control at times.


Substance Dependence:

Substance abuse and dependence used to have separate definitions in the previous DSM, however since then both have been combined as substance abuse disorder. Mental health professionals assess whether someone is dependent or abusing substances based on a scale. Substance abuse is seen in the beginning stages of the scale whereas dependence is more severe and further along the scale. Dependence occurs when someone is physically dependent on a substance or alcohol. For example, someone might be prescribed pain medication for a health issue but needs to keep increasing the dose because their body is becoming tolerant to the medication. Dependence can also be seen when someone experiences withdrawal symptoms and a change in physical state.  


Substance Addiction:

Addictive behavior is destructive and has negative effects on the person’s daily life and relationships. Individuals with addictions use their drug of choice in excess and their drug of choice rules their behaviors, thoughts and feelings. Some studies even show that there are neurological differences in someone’s brain with an addiction compared to someone without one. Furthermore, addiction can have permanent effects on the brain.


Some mental health professionals think it is imperative to distinguish the terms in order to provide proper care. While others see no difference. Whether someone views themselves as a substance abuser, addict or dependent, it is important to reflect on the consequences their use as had on their lives and their intent with using substances. No matter how you define yourself, treatment is always a possibility.

Thinking Disorders and Substance Abuse

Thinking Disorders and Substance Abuse


thinking disorders and substance abuse

What is a thinking disorder?

Thought disorder is a term used to describe illnesses that are associated with an impaired capacity to sustain coherent discourse and is reflected in an individual’s verbal and written communication. This mental health condition affects a person’s beliefs, thoughts and perceptions. Thinking disorders have two distinguishable components: Disordered thinking and delusional thinking. Those with disordered thinking struggle to think straight and thoughts come and go quickly. These individuals struggle to pay attention and connect their thoughts logically and reflect this through incoherent or hard to follow conversation. Individuals with schizophrenia often times experience disordered thinking. Delusional thinking occurs when someone believes something that is clearly or most likely false. For example, believing that aliens are following you. This delusion is strongly believed despite the lack of evidence and reflects the person’s abnormality of thought content. These are different than overvalued ideas which are unreasonable ideas with some level of doubt associated with it. Individuals suffering with depression, schizophrenia, delirium, psychosis, and manic depression are more likely to experience thought disorders.


This mental disorder is not actually it’s own diagnosis but rather a symptom and characteristic of other mental illnesses. Thought disorders are characterized and diagnosed by the following symptoms-

Confusion and disorientation

Flight ideas- When an individual switches from one unrelated idea to another during a conversation

Circumstantiality- long-winded and convoluted speech

Word salad-Words that are inappropriately strung together

Difficulty speaking

Blocking- When an individual chooses not to address something that is in conflict

Frequent interruptions in a person’s train of thought

Belief that a person is an entity

Delusions-Experience strange thoughts and have fixed illogical beliefs

Hallucinations- Individuals hear and see things that aren’t really there.

Paranoia-Someone fixates on fears and skeptical thoughts.

Derailment-ideas that get further and further apart from each other and from discussion.

Inability to follow a logical train of thought

Addiction and Substance Abuse:

Drug use and alcohol can evoke thought disorder behavior. If someone is heavily under the influence they can not think clearly and may experience things like paranoia or other mental disorder symptoms. Many substances mimic mental illnesses associated with thinking disorders. For example, individuals under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs, like LSD, will most likely experience hallucinations. Furthermore, individuals can experience characteristics of thinking disorders when withdrawing. Some mental disorders are caused from drug use and symptoms never fully go away after treatment. It is also common for someone to struggle with a substance-induced disorder and other co-occurring mental disorders. Detoxification is a necessary first step in recovery. This process rids the body of toxins and substances. This is done so medically and clinically. Once an individual struggling with substance abuse has detoxed they can then be continuously evaluated for other mental health issues.


Treatment varies depending on the type of thinking disorder and within the context that it is occurring. For example, CBT and behavioral therapy is often used for disordered thinking. Medication can be used to alleviate thinking disorders in someone with depression of anxiety. Someone with schizophrenia will also take psychotropic medications which may also improve thinking disorders. Psychotherapy is also another tool used to help better understand the root of the thinking patterns.

Senior Citizens with Addiction

senior citizens with addiction

What does addiction look like in older adulthood?

Senior Citizens With Addiction Drug addiction and alcoholism among older adults is a rapidly growing issue that is often underestimated and not give the proper attention. Most people don’t imagine that their elderly loved one could be at risk for substance abuse and addiction. However, there are many risk factors that can lead an older adult into addiction. Older adults, also known as senior citizens or the elderly, are known as individuals above the age of 65. Senior Citizens with Addiction are usually classified into two different groups: the late on-set group and the hardy survivors. The late on-set group are elderly individuals that develop an addiction to substances or alcohol later on in life, while the hardy survivors are the individuals who have been abusing substances and alcohol for many years and all the way into their senior years.


Why are older adults at risk?


Many changes that occur in later adulthood can trigger a senior citizen to abuse substances and alcohol. The challenges that occur in later adulthood can pile up and lead someone to cope in unhealthy ways. Some of these risk factors include:

  • Retirement
    • Leaving a job or being let go can be extremely stressful and hard to handle. A lot of people find that their job is a huge part of their identity. Letting a job go can leave someone feeling empty. Not to mention the amount of free time that is now available can leave some vulnerable to boredom, depression, loneliness, etc.
  • Loss of financial stability
    • Some elderly individuals are let go from their jobs or their retirement funds do not support them enough and then find themselves in a financial crisis. Medical bills and extra support like nurses, add up and easily empty pockets. The financial stress can push someone over the edge into substance abuse.
  • Death of loved ones
    • Grief is a big part of older adulthood. Many senior citizens lose their friends, partners, animal companions, and other loved ones because of health issues and old age. This loss can be devastating and some try to replace their loved ones with drinking or using drugs.  
  • Being placed in a nursing home
    • Changing from living independently to a nursing home can stir up a lot of negative emotions. It is difficult to give up independence and let others come in and help. Furthermore, nursing homes can be dysfunctional and abusive at times. If someone is living in a destructive nursing home, substances and alcohol may be the only source of comfort for an elderly person.
  • Health issues
    • Physical health and mental health declines as individuals age. Some develop things like Alzheimer’s, depression and chronic physical pain from things like arthritis. Deterioration in health can push folks into addiction. Most prescription drug abuse occurs by accident. An individual will be prescribed something for a health issue and will become dependent on it or perhaps the medication interacts with other medications and causes harmful effects.  Furthermore, growing older slows down the body’s ability to process medication which can make older adults more prone to becoming addicted to a substance and harmful side effects.
  • Medications
    • Older adults are often times prescribed opioids and benzodiazepines which both have a high potential for addiction. Without knowledge of how these medications work and interact with others, individuals can experience negative effects.
  • Family conflict and transitions
    • With age, roles in families can change. Someone who was once the patriarchy of the family may now become someone less involved because of their older age. This role change can be hard to adjust to. Transitions like children growing into adults and moving on with their own lives can be really difficult for older adults to adjust to. Individuals may feel lonely and grief with their children move on and create their own lives outside of their parents.


What are the symptoms:


Drugs and alcohol may actually mimic other health issues that older adults experience which can make diagnosis difficult. Things like dementia can look similar to someone being heavily under the influence. This can lead to misdiagnosis and mistreatment. Often times people assume that older individuals are senile and ignore signs of substance abuse or addiction. There are addiction and substance abuse signs to look for in senior citizens with addiction which include:

  • Memory loss or problems
  • Filling the same prescription from more than one doctor
  • Changes in sleeping and eating habits
  • Slurred speech
  • Chronic health complaints
  • Unexplained bruises
  • Hostility, irritability or depression
  • Solitary behavior
  • Poor hygiene
  • Loss of interest in hobbies or interests
  • Heavy drinking
  • Confusion
  • Deteriorating relationships
  • Often talk about medicine and have anxiety around it
  • Sneak or hide medicine
  • Taking medicine without reading the label
  • Have struggled with substance abuse and alcoholism before


Senior Citizens With Addiction – Pathway to Recovery:

Addiction and substance abuse is harmful no matter what age you are; however, it is even more harmfuAl to older adults. Older adults may be unaware of the severe impact that substance abuse may have on them. It is imperative that addiction and substance abuse is diagnosed and treated and in a way that is sensitive to this unique stage in life. Senior Citizens with Addiction
tend to lack social support, especially when recovering. Treatment centers and supports groups must provide specialized support when working with older adults. Although age is an important factor in recovery, treatment from addiction and substance abuse is always possible no matter how old someone is.

senior citizens addiction

What is a Drug Intervention

drug intervention

Is is effective for addiction and substance abuse?


What is a drug intervention?


For many individuals struggling with substance abuse and addiction, the first step to recovery is an drug intervention. Interventions are used to address substance abuse and addiction related issues. Family, friends and loved ones confront the user with kindness, respect and honesty about how their drug use affects their lives. Drug interventions are carefully planned and typically done in group settings and with a professional drug intervention specialist. The goal of an intervention is to create and motivate positive change, expose any secrets, reduce denial, and push the individual to take their first step in recovery by getting help. An intervention has many advantages. The struggling individual may actually get help, loved ones can feel empowered, and interventions have a good success rate. The process of an intervention typically involves the following steps:


  1. Create a plan: A loved one consults with a professional and gets a group of other loved ones together. This group gets together before meeting with the individual struggling with substance abuse and addiction.
  2. Collect information: Loved ones get together and share information with the professional about the individual’s struggle with addiction and substance abuse. The professional (a social worker, therapist, drug counselor, interventionist), provides the loved ones with information on this disease. The group might then initiate an arrangement with a specific treatment center for the individual.
  3. Become a team: The group of loved ones then decides on the team of people who will participate in the intervention. Team members designate a time, date, and location of the intervention and how they will get the individual to come to the intervention without knowing what is taking place. Before the actual intervention, team members practice and rehearse their message and structured plan.
  4. Decide on what you’re willing to do: The professional will help members plan out consequences if the individual does not get help. Additionally, the professional will help members communicate in a non-emotionally charged way that is effective.
  5. Examples of how the addiction is a problem: Loved ones share specific examples of when the individual’s substance abuse and addiction created problems. Professionals encourage members to state facts and use “I” statements to convey the toll that the addiction has created.
  6. Hold the intervention: The actual intervention is held and conducted by the professional and loved ones. Each member shares their concerns, feelings, consequences and the changes they are willing to make. The recovery arrangement is then shared with the individual and the individual decides on whether they will go to treatment or not.
  7. Follow up: Loved ones are involved in the treatment process and make changes themselves that help promote the individual’s recovery.


Not all interventions are successful and unfortunately individuals struggling with addiction and substance abuse may deny help. If this happens, the team must be prepared to follow through with their stated consequences. It is important to remain hopeful but also prepared for refusal from the individual. Whether the individual accepts treatment or not, the group of loved ones can still make changes the don’t enable to the individual to continue using.


There are drawbacks to an intervention and some loved ones and professionals do not necessarily agree with the intervention process. Some of the drawbacks include:

  • Interventions are emotionally charged and if not expressed appropriately, relationships can become even more damaged.
  • The individual struggling with substance abuse and addiction may feel betrayed or ganged up on by everyone.
  • Some of the team members might get cold feet and back out of the process, which decreases the effectiveness of the intervention.
  • It is likely that the individual will show up under the influence which an affect the effectiveness of the intervention.
  • The consequences may not be conducive to the individual’s needs. Depending on what the consequences are, the consequences may actually be detrimental to the individual struggling.


Arranging a drug intervention is an important decision to make and should not be taken lightly. It is important that this process is thought out, practiced and planned with a professional. Although there are drawbacks to an intervention, an intervention may be the thing that motivates an individual to recover and seek treatment.

what is a drug intervention

Types of Addiction Treatment Centers

Types of Addiction Treatment Centers

The Different Types of Addiction Treatment Centers:

Private, Non-profit and Government Funded


Treatment can be costly and often times the reason that individuals don’t seek treatment for addiction or substance abuse. Not all treatment centers are a good fit for individuals which can also steer individuals away from recovery. Individuals should consult with many treatment centers before deciding on one. During this time, it is important to ask questions, address any concerns and express what the individual is looking for. It’s important to understand the varying types of addiction treatment centers so that an individual can find the one best suited to their financial and personal needs.


Types of addiction treatment centers:


Private Treatment Centers- These recovery facilities are privately owned, provide a high level of care and are usually the most expensive and effective. Private addiction treatment centers can be in-patient and out- patient. Individuals at in-patient programs live at the center for a duration of time while individuals in out- patient check in and out of the program. In private facilities, detox is usually included, which is an important first step in recovery. During this phase, individuals are able to rid their body of the toxins from drugs and alcohol while under medical care. After detox, individuals participate in group and individual therapy. Often times other therapeutic activities are offered in addition to therapy. Private addiction treatment centers require a time commitment and a financial commitment. The financial commitment can be difficult to meet but sometimes insurance will provide partial or full coverage. Insurance does provide some complications and individuals are not always guaranteed full or partial coverage. This can create stress and interrupt the recovery process. Despite the financial difficulties associated with private drug treatment centers, this form of treatment is often the most successful and favored.


Non-profit Substance Abuse Treatment: There are many non-profit recovery centers offered all over the country. This form of treatment is a lot more affordable than privately owned addiction recovery centers. Non-profit centers offer a variety of options such as, in-patient, out- patient, short-term, long-term and detox care. It is not uncommon for there to be a waitlist for a non-profit program which can be frustrating, however a social worker may steer you in the direction of other available non-profit treatment centers. Individuals are admitted to non-profit drug rehabs based on met qualifications. These treatment programs tend to be less individualized as private programs but are still very effective.


Government-Funded Treatment: This form of treatment is a great option for those who don’t have financial means to afford treatment and for those who don’t meet qualifications for non-profit treatment programs. Services are free or based on an individual’s income. Government-funded programs can offer many services like long-term, short-term, in-patient, out-patient, etc. These programs are monitored by the government and shut down if standards are not met to help protect recovering individuals. There are some drawbacks to these types of substance abuse treatment programs. Some government-funded programs don’t offer certain services needed for some individuals. It’s important to consult with these programs before making a decision.


Long wait lists exist for both non-profit and government-funded programs. Because of this both substance abuse and addiction programs can rush people through the recovery process. This can interrupt the recovery process and people may be forced to leave before they are actually ready. Both are state funded which means they must use and follow state approved treatment methods. This is intended to serve as a protection to ensure effective treatment but often times these techniques are outdated.


Not all treatment centers are created equal and each program has its own unique qualities with advantages and draw backs. Deciding on a treatment center is a big decision and should not be taken lightly. Be sure to consult and research before committing yourself to a treatment center.


Detox Centers for Substance Abuse

detox centers


What is drug detox center?

A person may feel mentally ready for sobriety and recovery, however their body may be so dependent on their drug of choice which can interfere with recovery and can actually be life threatening. Becoming substance free is a process that cannot always be done cold turkey. Drugs and alcohol are actually very dangerous to quit and need to be done gradually with the help of medical professionals. Some drugs are so powerful that the body cannot physically handle the natural detoxing process. At drug detox centers, individuals are carefully monitored physically and mentally while their withdrawal symptoms are managed. Some drugs leave the body’s system faster than others while others can take many days. Depending on the substance and drug, individuals can stay at a detox center anywhere from just a couple days to a week. Individuals can also go to out-patient detox centers depending on their needs. Detoxing is the safest way for individuals struggling with substance abuse and addiction to move past drugs and alcohol. During the detox process, individuals are confronted with physical and emotional withdrawals. These sensations can be managed with other medications and therapy. Some substance abuse and addiction recovery centers provide detox or are connected to detox centers. This makes the process from detox to recovery swift and easy. Individuals are usually sent to detox centers before joining a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program. Detox centers are a necessary part of the recovery process however it must be paired with a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. Once detoxed, it is very difficult to remain sober without any after care. Finding a detox center does not have to be a difficult one. Visiting with a doctor can help you understand the physical damage that the drug use has done. They can also refer individuals to detox centers. Many treatment centers include detox as well. Detox center databases are on the internet and can be easily searched and accessed. Most detox centers are covered by insurance, offer payment plans and are willing to work with individuals and their financial needs.