

Opioid Addiction Treatment in Southern California

Learn more about our structured sober living for men in Los Angeles. For over 10 years we’ve been helping men find lasting recovery.


Common Signs and Symptoms of Opioid Addiction

Sometimes, it can be difficult to come to terms that you are struggling with an addiction. What may have started out as taking prescription opioids or trying just one opiate to experiment to help relieve your stress or pain can gradually lead to addiction if abused. This is because opioid drugs, no matter if they are prescribed to you or not, are still at the end of the day highly addictive substances. Therefore, it’s critical to understand that abusing opiates, even if they were originally prescribed to you, can lead to dependency and addiction if abused. 

If you suspect you may be struggling with opioid addiction, it’s essential you seek professional treatment to safely and effectively overcome your addiction and take back your life. Below are some common signs of opioid addiction to be aware of if you suspect you may be struggling with addiction:

Common Causes of Opioid Addiction

With any addiction, understanding the cause behind your addiction can be multi-faceted and complex. In other words, there typically is not just one root cause to explain your addiction. Opioid addiction can be caused by a range of potential risk factors from your genetics, to your environment, or even your mental health and well-being.

If you have a family history of addiction, you may be at a heightened risk of struggling with addiction yourself. However, developing an opioid addiction doesn’t just come down to genetics. If you were surrounded by family members who abused opiates or other drugs when you were a child, or if you are surrounded by friends now who abuse drugs, your chances of developing an addiction like an opioid addiction increase. 

There are a range of other potential causes besides just genetic and environmental related factors that can increase your risk of developing an opioid addiction. These risk factors include:


Dangers of Opiates

Regardless of if you are abusing prescription opioids or not, it is important to understand the significant health dangers that come with abusing opioids and developing an opioid addiction. Opiates are highly addictive substances that, when abused, have the potential to harm your physical and mental health and well-being, fracture relationships with loved ones, harm your work performance, and overall reduce your quality of life for the worse.


Opioid addiction is not only life-threatening, but it can lead you to isolate yourself from loved ones and lose interest in activities you once enjoyed and found fulfillment in. Not to mention, if you do decide to quit using opioids, you can experience extremely uncomfortable and potentially life-threatening withdrawal symptoms as a result of your body growing such a strong dependency on opioids over time.

Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms occur within about 24 hours of not using your drug of choice. Therefore, if you are struggling with an opioid addiction and trying to quit, you’ll inevitably experience painful and uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms that can last for days, even weeks, on end. Depending on the severity of your opioid addiction, you may experience life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. That’s why seeking professional treatment and support to detox and overcome your opioid addiction is so important.

At a detox center and drug rehab, you’ll be able to safely and effectively overcome your withdrawal symptoms thanks to constant medical support from addiction specialists. Not to mention, it can be very difficult to not fall back into old habits and start abusing opioids again. At a drug rehab, you’ll receive essential strategies to maintain sobriety and support as you progress along your addiction recovery journey. 

Below are some common withdrawal symptoms you may experience during detox:

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Opiate Health Risks

There are a number of physical and mental health risks linked to opioid addiction. Opioid addiction can be life-threatening, and significantly put your health and well-being at risk. Below are some common physiological health risks linked to opioid addiction:

Looking for a Trusted Sober Living? Contact Us 24/7

The Last House Sober Living in Los Angeles offers men a trusted, structured sober living program. Our community-based approach is here to help our clients in achieving long-term recovery from substance abuse.

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