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Does My Child Have A Drug Problem?

Find out more about residential inpatient drug treatment options and how inpatient rehabs can help you find healing.


In 2014, close to 1,700 young adults and teens died from taking overdoses of prescription drugs. In accordance with The National Institute on Drug Abuse, it’s about a 4 fold rise from the year 1999, and close to 5 persons daily. Young adult and teen drug abuse which begins with experiments give rise to the 1.5 million teenagers in America who can be deemed as chemically addicted this present-day. This the time to be vigilant if you think your child is taking drugs because most teens start using at the age of 13 and 14.

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Young Adults Abuse Prescription Drugs the Most

Most young adults in the age range of 18 and 25 tend to abuse more anti-anxiety drugs, opioids and prescription stimulants than any other age group in America. Since the adolescent brain doesn’t fully develop until the 25-year mark, it is very shocking that one-fifth of young adults used illegal drugs in the past month and one third are reported to have consumed excessive amounts of alcohol in no time.

Some of the general warning signs that a young adult or teen is using are:


What to Do If Your Child is Abusing Drugs & Alcohol

Getting help for your child is necessary so as to prevent the effects of them being addicted for life. Mindful of the fact that before the age of 18, 9 out of a total of 10 adult drug addicts had used, it is not an option to sit and do nothing about the drug abuse. Our Blog on addiction is a great source for info about drug abuse.  The National Institute on Drug Abuse is also another fascinating resource which concerns the current science that surrounds drug use and abuse.

The next step is to get in touch with a professional if you think your young adult or teen is using drugs.

Supposing your child is taking drugs, the stats say it all. If you take action, you can prevent your young adult or teen from moving from using drugs to being addicted to drugs. Even though it is not easy to contain addiction, acting in advance will help greatly in solving the issue.


Getting Your Child Treatment & The Help They Need for Substance Abuse

Choosing an aftercare process or sober living which deals with the basic issues which contribute to young adult and teen drug abuse is as crucial as taking an action. When you ignore the basic issues which may contribute to young adult and teen drug abuse and addiction in due course, this helps to increase the problem. So choosing a sober living for these young adults which is centered on helping you to get to the root of such issues is a big step towards recovery.

Outpatient treatment is also a part of the aftercare process. Outpatient treatment is covered by several insurances, and staying in sober living is often associated with outpatient treatment. Though both are separate, outpatient treatment provides an additional therapeutic component which helps to ensure recovery for your son or daughter.

In case you think that your child is suffering from a drug problem, you can go below and enter your number so that an addiction specialist of ours will get to you and help you to solve the problem.

Thrive Treatment is also a great place to seek treatment for your child with the Teen Thrive program.

Contact us via the number 1-866-677-0090 now if you know anyone who is a victim of drug or alcohol abuse. Our knowledgeable and reliable staff will get to you promptly. Visit Our Homepage

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