
Success Story: Sam C.

When I put alcohol into my system, I act without any regard for other peoples feelings, and seem to lack empathy, but when I entered the last house I carried on with this habit of conduct from a sober state of mind. Clearly, my moral compass was nonexistent, and it was absolutely necessary for me to be placed under a structured system. Luckily, my parents found the Last house through an interventionist and gave me an ultimatum, either I go to this program or I can’t live with them anymore and have to figure it out on my own. By the grace of God, I admitted some sort of defeat and agreed to this program. I had no idea what I was getting into, I’m glad I didn’t because if I did, I would’ve politely said no. And so my chicanery and projection of my own misery began the second I crossed Last House threshold. I want to thank all the managers for their efforts to tame me in my first few months. without Will, miles, Dusty and Mike Wood’s severe yet loving disciplinary tactics, I don’t think I would be here to tell the tale. From a lying conniving child i slowly transformed into an open minded and willing man through the structure and brotherhood of Last House. Most importantly, I found myself as I am in gods image, through the alloy of the 12 step process and this program. Tonight I hope that those of you who are new and feeling lost at the Last House can recognize the miracle that stands before you and think maybe there is a chance for me. Please understand none of this was of my own doing and any good I’ve done while I’ve been at Last House is through God’s divine power, and through the utmost trust I have for this programs process. As Dusty says “the water is nice over here.” Last House taught me how to show up and stay consistent with my responsibilities and commitments. My cynical nature has been abated and my nihilism has morphed into a voracious desire to live and evolve. I’ve developed a cardinal liking to be there for others. No words can justly describe my gratitude for the brotherhood about me.  I thank all of you, for being a movin part of this beautiful mechanism that turns Boys into Men. 



Success Story: Nathan A.

My behaviors have changed in ways I couldn’t imagine. I used to be a blameful person who couldn’t take any accountability. I lived a life with no trust in something bigger than myself and burned everything in my path. I didn’t believe in telling the truth; I only believed in saying things that would get me closer to my next drug or drink—lies of conduct, lies of making you think you can trust me.

The Last House has taught me a new way of living, based on helping others freely and being honest with myself. This has enabled me to be honest and impactful to those I meet on my journey. My outlook on life is no longer selfish and black and white. I now have a grasp of my purpose that I did not have when I was using drugs. Life was grim and dull; everything seemed so pointless. The only thing that made sense was how much dopamine I could overload myself with as fast as possible to numb the painful, empty hole in my stomach.

Now, I have tangible dreams that are no longer false and can become my reality. God and His children are beautiful. My life is filled with gratitude and moments of peace that I couldn’t find in my addiction. My attitude towards life and what God has to offer reflects all of that. Hate, gossip, self-pity, and destructive pride have been washed away thanks to the Last House and AA. I love myself now, which I couldn’t say before. The Last House gave me the ability to look in the mirror without being plagued with insecurity.

I used to hide my body with hoodies and hats. Now, I can walk outside with confidence, wear a T-shirt without hiding my hair under a hat, and just be me. I used to harbor hate towards my family and blame them for all my problems. Now, I love my mother and my grandparents and have extreme gratitude for having them in my life. Even my father is finally proud of me. All of these things would not be possible without AA and the Last House.

Coping Strategies for Dealing with Stress and Anxiety in Daily Life

Coping Strategies for Dealing with Stress and Anxiety in Daily Life

Stress and anxiety have become the uninvited guests in our daily lives, leaving many of us feeling overwhelmed and anxious.

But what if you could master simple, practical techniques to turn your life around? Keep reading to learn coping strategies for dealing with stress and anxiety to regain control of your mental well-being!

What Are Stress and Anxiety?

First and foremost, it is essential to understand what stress and anxiety are. 

Stress is explained as a reaction to a perceived threat or demand, whereas anxiety refers to worry or fear about coming occurrences

However, it should be noted that while some stress may be pretty normal and even beneficial in some cases, excessive stress or overwhelming anxiety can have serious health consequences both mentally and physically.

However, the good news is that there are many simple techniques you can use to manage stress and anxiety.

Mindfulness: Your Secret Weapon Against Stress and Anxiety

Mindfulness, or being completely present in the current moment, is a powerful remedy for stress and anxiety. It needs nothing else apart from your attention and intention.

Imagine yourself in the middle of a tense work situation. Then, take five minutes to practice mindfulness by concentrating on breathing in and out. 

By doing so, it interrupts the negative thought cycle, easing anxiety and stress. By practicing it regularly, mindfulness can be an excellent resource in your mental health arsenal.

Physical Activity: The Natural Mood Booster

Physical activity is another effective way to fight against stress and anxiety. 

Even just a walk can help relax your mind and reduce stress levels since exercise releases endorphins that are natural mood-enhancers.

Try integrating physical activity into your day, such as jogging every morning or having an evening yoga session. 

This does not mean you should become a fitness freak overnight; instead, it means building a consistent and manageable routine supporting your mental well-being.

Deep Breathing: A Portable Stress-Relief Tool

Deep breathing exercises are another easy-to-use but effective means of coping with stress and anxiety. 

Such exercises communicate to the brain to calm down, thereby relaxing, leading to lowered heart rates, reduced blood pressures, and thus calmness in general.

Here’s one simple deep breathing exercise: sit comfortably, close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply via your nose, and fill your belly with air. 

Once more, hold it briefly before exhaling slowly through your mouth. Repeat several times while feeling the tensions leaving you.

Coping Strategies in Addiction Recovery

These coping strategies are not just helpful in managing everyday stress and anxiety; they also play a crucial role in substance abuse recovery. 

The path to recovery from addiction is often filled with stress and anxiety, and having a range of positive coping strategies in their armory can help individuals navigate this challenging journey.

Many professional treatments for addiction, like cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy, involve aspects of mindfulness, physical activity, and deep breathing exercises. 

They approach the dual-diagnosis disorders of addiction and anxiety holistically so that individuals leave with the tools necessary to control their lives again.

The Last House: Harnessing Stress and Anxiety Coping Strategies for a Brighter Tomorrow

Coping strategies for dealing with stress and anxiety are more than theoretical concepts; they are practical, actionable tools you can integrate into your daily life. 

Support from professionals at The Last House, as well as integrating some of these coping mechanisms into your daily regime, will enable you to move towards a better mental health state. 

Remember, it is not about getting rid of stress and anxiety entirely but instead learning how to handle them effectively. So why should you wait? Start now! Begin the journey today; contact our sober living in Los Angeles for coping strategies for dealing with stress and anxiety.