Brennan Young - A Last House Sober Living Resident on his graduation night in the house.

The Last House Success Story: Brennan Young

There is no way to truly explain the experience I have had over the past year at The Last House Sober Living. Before coming to Los Angeles and going to The Last House the only solution I had to my problems was getting high and drunk. For three whole years I was on a cocktail of different prescription pills and alcohol. There were only a few brief moments where I was sober during this time. My life consisted of waking up, getting high, stealing drugs, playing video games, and using more drugs. Everything I did was seeking instant gratification and I had no plan for my future. I was thinking about taking my own life on a daily basis. I was a lost, broken, and depressed 26 year old boy with no direction in life; and all I wanted was to be the best version of myself but I had no idea how to do it. The Last House Sober Living, the rooms of AA, and my sponsor gave me the tools to be that version of myself. I have learned so much over the past year: the importance of accountability, gratitude, humility, and unity. I learned what it means to be a true leader, the impact my actions have on others, my faith in God, the importance of physical and emotional well-being, etc.

I learned these lessons because I didn’t give up on myself, and the guys wouldn’t let me give up. I will carry everything that I have learned over this year with me for the rest of my life. I stand here today full of confidence in my ability to achieve goals when I set my mind to them. I fully believe that there is no ceiling to high to reach and no situation too difficult to get through as long as I stay spiritually fit and continue to work a strong program. I know my dad would be more than proud because this is all he ever wanted for me. I owe it all to the people that I have met and to The Last House Sober Living in Los Angeles, CA.

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