Entering a sober living home can be a little bit like the first day of school. Much like school, we know that the sober living facility will provide us with the tools we need to make a positive impact in our lives, and that through sober living, we can transition into the men we’ve always wanted to be– but it’s no secret that new experiences can be daunting if we’re not sure what to expect.
As a sober living home in the heart of Los Angeles, our sober living facility focuses on two concepts: providing a fun, program-oriented setting where residents can find purpose and progress in their lives, and building an environment where our men learn to flourish without depending on substances. We believe that getting sober means more than just living addiction-free. We believe that it means living independently, confidently, and boldly– and that’s just what we teach our men.
What can I expect in sober living?
The first thing to understand about sober living is that it isn’t a halfway house, nor is it a dedicated treatment center. It’s a place where men that are ready to better themselves come to get the tools they need to do it. Here in Los Angeles, there are plenty of distractions for a young man just getting sober. A sober living home like ours provides a safe space for our men to mature and develop so they can deal with those distractions without fear of relapse.
Furthermore, the sober living concept is one that’s deeply rooted in fellowship and unity. We know that defeating addiction isn’t a one and done process, and that it takes a village of support and guidance to help us continue through recovery– so that’s also a large part of what we provide here. As soon as our men walk through the doors of our sober living facility, they know they’re here for a purpose, and that it isn’t just about not using drugs. They’re here to make a difference in their lives.
When you enter the sober living community, expect to remain very much involved in your treatment. With the number of distractions in big cities like Los Angeles and practically everywhere else, it’s important that we make sure we stay in touch with treatment groups and rehabilitation programs, even if we finished the initial treatment process ages ago. By transitioning into a treatment plan in the sober living facility, we ensure that the good, sustainable behaviors we learned in initial treatment become habits that will stick with us when we’re living on our own.
Additionally, we should expect to have responsibilities in sober living– and lots of them. There’s no better way to learn how to become the best versions of ourselves than to learn concepts like integrity, accountability, and maturity. As grown men living with other grown men, we should expect to be held responsible for our actions, and to pull our own weight when it comes to chores and house rules. The way we see it in the sober living community, we’re all a team. Whether you’re from Los Angeles, Oakland, or somewhere on the other side of the country, what one of us does in the sober living facility affects us all. As we learn responsibility, we also begin to see just how important our actions are to others. Having responsibilities means we have to hold ourselves accountable for taking care of them.
Another big concept of getting sober is discipline. In Los Angeles alone, there are plenty of distractions that could knock us off the straight and narrow path if we aren’t careful. This is what makes discipline in sober living so important. Having discipline in our lives means we know how to control our actions, think before we act, and frequently weigh the pros and cons of our decisions before we make them. In sober living, we learn discipline by learning to adhere to the rules of the house. For instance, one rule here at The Last House is that we cook and eat most meals together as brothers. This means that practically on a daily basis, we’re all required to contribute to the day’s meal. This could include grocery shopping, setting the table, or cleaning up afterwards. Our contribution isn’t punishment– but it is a way to make sure we learn the value of hard work and teamwork. Being disciplined enough to follow the rules and help do something like prepare meals here in sober living helps us get used to maintaining structure in our lives after we graduate. Expect structure and discipline in sober living– because it works!
Finally, expect to work while you get sober. As young men, working to provide for ourselves or others should be as much a way of life as eating or sleeping. If that’s not the case before we enter sober living though, it certainly will become the case by the time we leave. Los Angeles is one of the world’s busiest cities, and there’s ample opportunity for us to contribute our unique skills and talents to the workforce. Learning the value of working for our own money now can help us start a habit of working, maintaining a job, and providing security for ourselves and our families in the long run. So Monday to Friday, to the office we’ll go.
Sober living is a rewarding method to learn how to become the best versions of ourselves we can be. The Last House is a Los Angeles-based men’s sober living facility that doesn’t just help men focus on getting sober, but provides them with the skills they need to become independent, courageous, and contributing members of society. Every man that enters our sober living facility has the potential to be a pillar in his community. We help him see the potential he had all along. Call us at 1-866-677-0090 to get started today.